Wednesday, April 22, 2015


01: JERRY SEINFELD; He is a American famous comedian. He was born on 29th, april 1954. He has a net worth around $820 million.

02;MEL GIBSON; He is an actoor and also, he is a great film producer. Mel Gibson was born on 3rd, January 1956. He has a net worth around $800 million.

03; TOM CRUISE; He hs a net worth around $480 million

04; JACK NICHOLSON; Also he has a net worth of $480 million


                                 05;JOHNNY DEPP: He has a net worth of $450 million

06:TYLER PERRY; He was born on 13th september 1969. He has a net worth around $400 million.

07: TOM HANKS; He is a great actor, producer and also he is a great director. Tom hanks was born  9th july 1956. He has a net worth of $390 million.

08;BILL COSBY; He was born on 19th july 1937. Bill Cosby has a net worth of  $380 million.

09:CLINT EASTWOOD; He has a net worth of 375 million

10:ADAM SANDLER; He was born on 9th september 1966. Adam sandler has a net worth of  $340 million

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